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10.04.2007, 22:21  

Beitrag #21

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he plays every week in the third league and as you can see, he is still good.

ottl plays very often, also schweinsteiger, lahm and hargreaves.

lell and görlitz aren't as good as the other 5 but they can prove it.
10.04.2007, 22:26  

Beitrag #22

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The system with young players can work but sometimes it also doesn't work.
An example ist Tobias Rau.
He was talented an come to Bayern but didn't improve and so he left the club.
10.04.2007, 22:26  

Beitrag #23

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But in the third league the opponent are not so good and big games are important too for him
10.04.2007, 22:26  

Beitrag #24

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he plays every week in the third league and as you can see, he is still good.


Yes, sometimes it doesn't, but Rau also didn't play good for other clubs up to now.
trochowski couldn't show that he is very talented playing for bayern but he does in hamburg. that's normal.
10.04.2007, 22:28  

Beitrag #25

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You're right.
It is an difference if you play against forwards like Rooney,Ronaldo or van Nistelrooy or if you play against forwards who arent's so good.
Than it's easier for you as goalkeeper but it doesn't help you really to improve.
10.04.2007, 22:29  

Beitrag #26

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Zitat von Ballack 13
he plays every week in the third league and as you can see, he is still good.
10.04.2007, 22:40  

Beitrag #27

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Why do you think that he's still good?
In the third league are worser players and so it's easer to play good as a keeper.
Do you understand what I mean?
10.04.2007, 22:59  

Beitrag #28

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didn't you see the match against milan? he is good when bayern needs him. that's a fact. it's not important which other things you say.
10.04.2007, 23:05  

Beitrag #29

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But some good Games is easy, but the International experience is important and from one or two games international you don´t get lot of experience and in the third league also.
Many International Games or games in the first league are important for the experience.
The best thing for Bayern is when Rensing play for one year in a other first leage club or so, like Phillip Lahm for some years
10.04.2007, 23:06  

Beitrag #30

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yes, but as you can see they need him sometimes.
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