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Unrivalled revelation! Even the PC does not have a chance! FIFA 14 Gmes- Review [PS4]

Unrivalled revelation! Even the PC does not have a chance! FIFA 14 - Review [PS4]

fifa 14 games

Ahh, who does not love football matches? Who does not loves that feeling when approaching the weekend and nervously look at a schedule of games for each league? Who does not begin to pound faster serduchu when you hear the Champions League anthem characteristic? Well who? Probably no one, except for women. I have to admit though, that I met in my life a few women (reportedly, were women have breasts, and whether other signs of womanhood, was not given to me to check), which surprisingly is interested in football. Less, however, is on the "battle of the sexes" will come time yet, and yet ...G4MERS.PL presents a review next-gene FIFA 14!

It so happened that earlier on the Playstation 3 I caught FIFE 14 and was ... up disappointed. I played poorly, the game had a lot of errors (collision detection, errors in physics, unstable servers, etc., etc.), did not differ generally like its predecessor, and there was even that got rid of the game completely for free - gave to the poor and needy. A week before the release of the Playstation 4, being accidentally at Media Markt, I saw on the shelf FIFE 14 with the release just for the PS4. I must admit that I hesitated in buying, I was not sure whether the news that EA so loudly heralded bring you the changes, and finally I can say that this is the ideal virtual football. Well, but since I like to gamble, I decided to buy a play and patiently wait for the release of the console.

Immediately after buying the equipment, FIFA 14 was the first game that I put into the drive of your czarnulki. Quick loading (much faster than the PS3), a quick glance at the menu (damn, after all it is the same as on the PS3 ...) Put the feverish everything ... back, I did not have to do that because the game automatically detects that had previously played in FIFE 14 but PS3 - moved my state record, my settings, and also dropped a few bonuses in the form of virtual coins and currency - the first EA promise fulfilled.

Articles from my blog, with more details: Fifa 14 game news and video collection: Unrivalled revelation! Even the PC does not have a chance! FIFA 14 Games- Review [PS4]
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PC does not have a chance!
Unrivalled revelation! Even the PC does not have a chance!