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24.10.2013, 16:05  

Beitrag #1

Nenplusultras Avatar
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Nenplusultras Avatar
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Hello everyone!

The following: I just tried the CM14 Beta and everything works well so far.

But I have a qquestion: How can I add a new numbers design to the game?

Because the numbers of the third Bayern kit just have a wrong design. I exported all the numbers from of the Bayern Munich style (Style no. 20).

But if I change them and import them again it will effect the numbers of the home kit as well, as every bayern munich kit use the same number style.

So in order to change the styl for the third kit only I need to add a new design just for the third kit. But I couldn'T find out I'm gonna do this.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance
Home > FIFA-Serie > Ältere FIFA-Teile > FIFA 14 > Editing Howto add new styles to
the game via CM14?
Howto add new styles to the game via CM14?