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07.09.2009, 06:48  

Beitrag #871

TC Beckss Avatar
TC Becks
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TC Becks
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Zitat von herc1444
can someone tell me what is the best FIFA09 patch...and is there a patch for 09/10 season ???? thanx !!!!
The Best Patch for Fifa 09 is the Mega Patch, because there are so many things in it that you must have it.Daumen hoch I think there is and will be no Patch for the 09/10 Season, because Fifa 10 is 1 month away and the Demo comes out in 3 days.

Glück Auf
07.09.2009, 07:25  

Beitrag #872

2385630s Avatar
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can someone tell me what is the best FIFA09 patch...and is there a patch for 09/10 season ???? thanx !!!!
07.09.2009, 10:18  

Beitrag #873

Saks Avatar
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Can we download Megapatch via Creation Master '09 ?
Not in .exe but as .cmp file ?
08.09.2009, 13:51  

Beitrag #874

Saks Avatar
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Zitat von fizzer
ja habe es geöffnet, nu irgendwie finde ich das darin nicht, bin zu blöd, noch anfänger...sry...xD
Appolox, can we download your Megapatch (and the national leagues and tournaments that are included in this patch) via Creation Master '09, as .cmp file ?
Thanks in advance ...
08.09.2009, 14:27  

Beitrag #875

apolloxs Avatar
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NO, because that are not possible, because the patch is to huge
08.09.2009, 14:37  

Beitrag #876

Saks Avatar
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Zitat von apollox
NO, because that are not possible, because the patch is to huge
Thank you for your immediate answer !
Is there any way to download via Creation Master '09 only the National Leagues (e.g. Bulgarian Football League, Croatian National League e.t.c.) that are included in Megapatch ?
P.S. : These Leagues -and many others- were avaliable about four months ago in .cmp files, but now i can find them only in .exe files.
08.09.2009, 14:46  

Beitrag #877

apolloxs Avatar
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apolloxs Avatar
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The problem is, that Filefront has edit his structure for Links and for the complete website, so many links do not work more and most editiers use filefront for the stuff
08.09.2009, 17:40  

Beitrag #878

Saks Avatar
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O.k. , thank you again !
13.09.2009, 15:39  

Beitrag #879

apolloxs Avatar
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apolloxs Avatar
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Ich wollte nur kurz mitteilen, das es demnächst ein großes Update geben wird, was alle bisherigen enthält und unter anderem einige Saison 09/10 Adboards enthält, sowie Transfers für ungefähr 8 Ligen, jedoch von ungefähr Mitte August, also nicht Top Aktuell, einige weitere Fixes und noch bisschen was anderes.
13.09.2009, 17:43  

Beitrag #880

Dynamozs Avatar
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Dynamozs Avatar
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Zitat von apollox
Ich wollte nur kurz mitteilen, das es demnächst ein großes Update geben wird, was alle bisherigen enthält und unter anderem einige Saison 09/10 Adboards enthält, sowie Transfers für ungefähr 8 Ligen, jedoch von ungefähr Mitte August, also nicht Top Aktuell, einige weitere Fixes und noch bisschen was anderes.
Oh da freu ich mich draufDaumen hoch
Home > FIFA-Serie > Ältere FIFA-Teile > FIFA 09 RELEASE: FIFA 09 Mega Patch RELEASE: FIFA 09 Mega Patch