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26.11.2007, 18:14  

Beitrag #1

Beckham_Number 7s Avatar
Beckham_Number 7
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Beckham_Number 7s Avatar
Beckham_Number 7
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Beiträge: 44
I have a problem with the fifa08.exe.
If I try to start the game, there appears the information, that the fifa08.exe has detected a problem and had to be shut down.
What could be the reason for the problem?
I hope you can help me guys.Zufrieden
26.11.2007, 18:16  

Beitrag #2

fcafreaks Avatar
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fcafreaks Avatar
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It could depend on the size of your FIFA.FATZwinkern

Maximum is 265 kb.
26.11.2007, 18:17  

Beitrag #3

apolloxs Avatar
Beiträge: 21.160
apolloxs Avatar
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Beiträge: 21.160
See you the Menu of FIFA08 or come this message directly after start of the fifa08.exe?
When directly after start, then is maybe the size of the fifa.fat to big, because the fifa.fat has a mximum size from 265kb, when the size is bigger, then you can not start FIFA08

Sorry for the poor EnglishLachen
27.11.2007, 16:40  

Beitrag #4

Beckham_Number 7s Avatar
Beckham_Number 7
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Beckham_Number 7s Avatar
Beckham_Number 7
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The size of the fifa.fat is 251 kb, so this is probably not the reason.
Do you have another idea to solve the problem?
27.11.2007, 17:14  

Beitrag #5

apolloxs Avatar
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apolloxs Avatar
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Beiträge: 21.160
Maybe help it, when you regenrated the fifa.fat with FifaMania Regenerator for FIFA08 or with the Rebuilder from MonkeyDragon or directly via FifaFS
27.11.2007, 19:29  

Beitrag #6

Beckham_Number 7s Avatar
Beckham_Number 7
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Beckham_Number 7s Avatar
Beckham_Number 7
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Ich tried it, but unfortunately it didn't help anything.
27.11.2007, 19:49  

Beitrag #7

apolloxs Avatar
Beiträge: 21.160
apolloxs Avatar
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Beiträge: 21.160
I have unfortunately no Idea why it crash.
My last Idea is to make a FIFA08 reinstall with del all folders from FIFA08 on your Harddisk only the Folder unter My Documents you don´t need to del, because this mistake is not there to 100%.
And when you install some patches or any things in your FIFA, make an Backup for a example with my backup Tool (DL Link in my Signatur).

But maybe have an other User an IdeaZwinkern
27.11.2007, 20:06  

Beitrag #8

Sajes Avatar
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Sajes Avatar
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Wieso ist das Backup Programm nicht im DL Center von Fifaworld?
27.11.2007, 20:18  

Beitrag #9

apolloxs Avatar
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apolloxs Avatar
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Beiträge: 21.160
Da muss du einen der Admins oder Newsposter fragen

Und jetzt bitte wieder in EnglischZwinkern
And now only in English or English and GermanZwinkern
27.11.2007, 20:21  

Beitrag #10

Sajes Avatar
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Sajes Avatar
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Beiträge: 137
Wir reden doch auf Deutsch hier.Lachen
Home > FIFA-Serie > Ältere FIFA-Teile > FIFA 08 Problem with fifa08.exe Problem with fifa08.exe