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04.12.2006, 21:16  

Beitrag #1

VfB_Fans Avatar
Beiträge: 6.191
VfB_Fans Avatar
Beiträge: 6.191
Beiträge: 6.191
Ein super Gameplay Patch ist erschienen:

FIFA ™ JOYSTICK ADDICT is the 1st NK FOOTBALL © gameplay update for FIFA 07 ™ exclusive to Sweetpatch! This update not only enhances the realism of your game, but also increases the difficulty offering new levels of challenge for both user and even cpu controlled teams! Games are diverse, filled with the joys and heart-breaks of real life matches. So pick up your JOYSTICK and become an ADDICT now!


* Improved defence for both CPU and USER
* Shooting mechanic harder to compose shot
* Passing game slower
* Ball physics more natural and real
* Increased the chance of fouling
* Game-speed slowed down more natural
* No cross assistance whatsoever
* Players’ spaced out more, more midfield action
* Goalkeepers tuned and harder to beat for both sides
* Dribbling harder to take around players
* No forcing of a team-mate advantage
* More spin on the ball, less spin for wrong footed finesse shots
* CPU increased skill
* CPU gives less time for closing down
* More aggressive CPU attacks
* And more

GAMING TIP: Get your mates round and play versus the computer for the ultimate rush! Scoring as a team is the most rewarding play you'll ever feel in a football game! Try it.

Man kann das Original FIFA Gameplay mit der selben .exe wieder installieren.
06.12.2006, 18:19  

Beitrag #2

fifa-gamers Avatar
Beiträge: 197
fifa-gamers Avatar
Beiträge: 197
Beiträge: 197
Der Patch ist super Zwinkern
06.12.2006, 18:32  

Beitrag #3

fifa freaks Avatar
fifa freak
Beiträge: 645
fifa freaks Avatar
fifa freak
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Beiträge: 645
was bringt der denn genau
Home > FIFA-Serie > Ältere FIFA-Teile > FIFA 07 NK Football Joystick Addict NK Football Joystick Addict