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12.05.2007, 22:44  

Beitrag #31

fcafreaks Avatar
Beiträge: 1.938
fcafreaks Avatar
Beiträge: 1.938
Beiträge: 1.938
Da versteh ich ja das Englische besser ("Sie werden einen exe haben, denn Vermögenswerte stopfen (das gui-Verzeichnis) sich voll, ein exe für den zdata, für das Datenbankzeug und so weiter")
20.05.2007, 10:51  

Beitrag #32

VfB_Fans Avatar
Beiträge: 6.191
VfB_Fans Avatar
Beiträge: 6.191
Beiträge: 6.191
CEP 4.0 has been released with all its 4 parts of the installer: be sure to install them in their order and to run the fatbhbuilder at the end of installation process. As usual if you have problem with your language be sure to delete the "Fifa 07" directory inside Documents and Settings. You can find the installer in the Downloads page. During the next week you'll receive news about the Kits Addon for CEP 4.0 and informations on how to segnalate bugs present in 4.0 version. Enjoy!
Download now @ FIFA MRA

Installation procedure for CEP 4.0:

1. Fresh installation of Fifa 2007 (no custom stuff at all!)
2. a FRESH installation means NO profile added/installed, so be sure to delete the Fifa 07 directory inside Documents and Settings! If not, selecting your language the game can crash at startup.
3. CEP 07 v 4.0: ALL the 4 installer (assets, zdatas1 and 2, system (at the end run fatbhbuilder.exe)
4. CEP Miniheads Addon 1.0 (optional step)
5. Create your profile and play.
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