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18.03.2007, 10:58  

Beitrag #21

Figofans Avatar
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Figofans Avatar
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na dann dauerts noch was
19.03.2007, 13:14  

Beitrag #22

fifa freaks Avatar
fifa freak
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fifa freaks Avatar
fifa freak
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nja ich glaube ich lasse das mit dem CEp ich glaube dann verpatche ich mein spiel lieber Lachen
19.03.2007, 18:16  

Beitrag #23

Figofans Avatar
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Figofans Avatar
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jops finde so patches scheiße, bei denen man die spielstände löschen muss und das spiel neuinstallieren soll
19.03.2007, 18:41  

Beitrag #24

VfB_Fans Avatar
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VfB_Fans Avatar
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Das kann man aber nicht ändern, da die fifa.db veränder wird.
01.04.2007, 21:24  

Beitrag #25

VfB_Fans Avatar
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VfB_Fans Avatar
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Beiträge: 6.191
Zitat von OckHAM
No, the project is not dead or discontinued don't worry Zufrieden I just had personally more things to do during this month related to my real work so I did not have the time to dedicate myself to update the website on the progress of the work and I've almosted abandoned the forums; anyway I'm checking everyday the mail where you can find suggestions, bugs fixing etc. and I'm gathering all your segnalations. During this period, if I did not have the possibility to work a lot on the CEP, the co-authors of this project, all the ones who dedicate their passion to this patch worked a lot, especially Esterry and brfifa07 produced really TONS of materials and we are now in the phase of gathering all the efforts produced to pack them in the 4.0 version, that will be the final version for Fifa 2007.

As happened for past year edition, anyway, this version is mainly the base for the first version of CEP for Fifa 2008 and this is why I decided to do not hurry the time of release, concentrating on adding new stuff and surprises since the next version. Very soon you will receive a detailed report of what is going on in the "CEP lab" with many incoming news that are coming to improve the offer we make to the thousands of CEP users. In the last days the CEP version 3.0 is not more available for some parts of it due to some problems with Filefront servers, as we are going to a release a brand new 4.0 I did not dedicated my self to fix this problem. About a release date for CEP 4.0 I think that a good possibility is the half of April, but you will receive before some more detailed news on this page about the many parts of the CEP project. See ya all Zwinkern
26.04.2007, 22:59  

Beitrag #26

VfB_Fans Avatar
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VfB_Fans Avatar
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Beiträge: 6.191
Immerhin mal wieder etwas zu hören Lachen

Zitat von FIFA MRA
Sorry for the delay in news, but I've been very busy at my work in this period. So, about the CEP: I'm keeping the work to import and adapt the dozens of contributions received, I'm organizing all the new leagues done by Esterry and from our new great collaborator Luca and I'm thinking about renouncing to the FULL list of leagues we wanted to add: simply it's just impossible to avoid delaying the release and having the time to test it if we want to include everything.

Most probably we'll keep working on importing and adapting for a 5.0 release to be placed in autumn, while I've decided to simply finish the work during this week for the release 4.0. Then I will need time to test, so the release date for 4.0 should be at mid May, I hope before.

In the meanwhile I have to notice how good Fifa 2007 is now with the new CEP and the new gameplay by NK that you should really test if you started finding the game too easy Zwinkern.

Stay tuned for more news and remember to write to if you have question, doubts and contribution to submit.

An important note: we reached a very wide team of updaters so I hope the work for next versions will be more accurate and fast: if you want to join us as updater for next versions just write me the league of your interest.
02.05.2007, 15:03  

Beitrag #27

Rajas Avatar
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Rajas Avatar
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Zitat von Figofan
jops finde so patches scheiße, bei denen man die spielstände löschen muss und das spiel neuinstallieren soll
Man muss NICHT Neuinstallieren. Und übrigens: Bei mir funzt sogar die alte Karriere noch. Zwinkern
02.05.2007, 22:49  

Beitrag #28

VfB_Fans Avatar
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VfB_Fans Avatar
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Beiträge: 6.191
Aber wenn man den CEP ganz neu installiert und ihn vorher nocht nicht drauf hatte, muss man die Spielstände doch löschen oder?
10.05.2007, 22:50  

Beitrag #29

VfB_Fans Avatar
Beiträge: 6.191
VfB_Fans Avatar
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Beiträge: 6.191
Zitat von Sweetpatch MRA
The realization and the testing of the CEP 4.0 is completed and during the remaining days of this week I should be able to pack everything and upload as usual on Filefront. For this version you will find a more comfortable division of the files: they will be auto-installing exe divided by the "type" of files they containg: you will have an exe for assets stuff (the gui directory), an exe for the zdata, for the database stuff etc. so if you will experience some problems downloading a single file you will not have troubles downloading and installing the others.

Completing the CEP 4.0 we realized we were not able to include all the material elaborated, so we had to do a selection, even if a VERY wide one, of what to include: you will find the final decision about the new leagues, teams and tournaments both in the Status and in the Release4.0 release and 5.0 release in autumn has been motivated mainly by two reasons: 1) me and Esterry had much more things to do in the real life (personally, VERY important familiar things), and this did not allowed us to dedicate all the time we spent in the past on this hobby; 2) we had to face the fifa.fat limitation problem one more time, and the solution we thought about needs more work and the collaboration with other programmers to be implemented: this is why we delayed so much the release, and this is why we cannot include all what we wanted.

For the future of CEP, during these months, we gathered a very wide group of updaters: contributors who will help us updating the rosters and the information on players for each specific league, so we hope that the work for the future will be more fast and accurate as we are very near to complete the "creation" stage of the CEP project and for the future we will "just" have to update the teams that are already in the patch.

CEP remains anyway a FREE gadget for the Fifa users and we'll keep providing more material to make your fifa experience more and more complete, so as we'll keep considering it an hobby. Within some days I'll release an huge update for the Miniheads Addon covering more main leagues, while Esterry will surely go further with his Chants project. The release of the CEP 4.0 is scheduled withing the next 7 days and will be announced on these pages with the exact date and time: most probably you will have the possibility to join a chat during the hours before the official release to download the very first version of the patch and to shot your personal immediate feedbacks. I will up a temporary new forum too to report the debugging segnalations of the 4.0 release as we will not start a debugging phase.

Also in den nächsten 7 Tagen wird der CEP 4.0 released!
12.05.2007, 22:03  

Beitrag #30

Diegoos Avatar
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Diegoos Avatar
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Hier ne grobe Übersetzung von dem Post von VFB_Fan.

Die Realisierung und die Erprobung vom CEP 4.0 werden vervollständigt, und während der übrigen Tage dieser Woche sollte ich fähig sein, alles zu packen und auf Filefront so üblich zu transferieren. Für diese Version werden Sie eine bequemere Teilung der Akten finden: sie werden sie containg von der "Art" von Akten geteilten exe Auto-installieren: Sie werden einen exe haben, denn Vermögenswerte stopfen (das gui-Verzeichnis) sich voll, ein exe für den zdata, für das Datenbankzeug und so weiter. deshalb, wenn Sie das Laden einer einzelnen Akte Sie werden nicht einige Probleme erfahren werden
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