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02.08.2006, 11:24  

Beitrag #81

DSC-FANs Avatar
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DSC-FANs Avatar
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Wahrscheinlich haben die keine Lizenz bekommen(EA von den Teams)
02.08.2006, 11:26  

Beitrag #82

falscherSchiri3s Avatar
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falscherSchiri3s Avatar
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Oder es liegt daran,dass die Saison schon rum war und die neue Saison(mit neuen Teams) schon angefangen hat.
02.08.2006, 11:30  

Beitrag #83

Rooneys Avatar
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Rooneys Avatar
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Kann natürlich beides sein...denke aber eher an das was DSC-Fan sagt..
04.08.2006, 14:26  

Beitrag #84

HSVFan1992s Avatar
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HSVFan1992s Avatar
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wann kommt denn jetz der CEP?
04.08.2006, 14:51  

Beitrag #85

Rooneys Avatar
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Rooneys Avatar
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Habe gehört soll Ende August sein..
04.08.2006, 18:24  

Beitrag #86

HSVFan1992s Avatar
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HSVFan1992s Avatar
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dann brauche ich ihn nicht mehr,dann kommt ja bald das neue Fifa raus Lachen
04.08.2006, 18:32  

Beitrag #87

Jonass Avatar
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Jonass Avatar
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Du weißt schon,dass der CEP 1 Mio. mal besser ist als FIFA 07,oder?Schadenfreude
04.08.2006, 18:35  

Beitrag #88

HSVFan1992s Avatar
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HSVFan1992s Avatar
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Fifa 07 is besser Zwinkern
04.08.2006, 22:33  

Beitrag #89

Rooneys Avatar
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Rooneys Avatar
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Schlechte Nachrichten...hab grad gelesen der erscheint August/September...wie lange wollen sie den Release noch verzögern??Da würde ich mir denn auch glatt FIFA07 kaufen anstatt auf diesen Patch so lange zu warten....
07.08.2006, 14:04  

Beitrag #90

Rajas Avatar
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Zitat von OckHAM
I've noticed as in the CEP forums and through the CEP mail I received many questions about release date, state of the work and general progress on the CEP: I think I have been clear enough in my last post here on CEP Sweetpatch site, anyway I'll try to summarize one more time:
- I'm dedicating this summer to CEP working: the work now consists in elaborating inside the database the excellent excel rosters I received (organized in an amazing way by Esterry88) and inside the FSH the bmps of kits. I have to create logos and banners for each one of the team received and sometimes I have to create the kits that I don't receive. This work is summarized extensively in the Status section of the site.
- As I decided to include in CEP 2.0 the rosters and the leagues of the 2006/07 season the release date is necessarily after the conclusion of the summer transfermarket: this mean that I should end the work on CEP 2.0 on September, and then we will need about a week to betatesting intensively.
- If you don't see progress in Status page is because all the packed material needs to be inserted "inside the game": I have to perform what I explained in the first point for each league, test that everything works and so on: doesn't make sense keep packing the material without testing it. I'm performing this for each one of the leagues shown under the section "Done" of the Status page.
- CEP 2.0 "should" include all the elements presented in the Release section: this because I've received the majority of the material shown, but not the whole material: if we'll find the infos and the graphics for all the leagues listed then they will be in the CEP 2.0, if not we will have to wait until the next version. Anyway the stuff added in CEP 2.0 will be absolutely huge, be sure of that.
Generally speaking I don't like to spam on the website showing the progress and the work we do with unuseful spot-post as "Hey, look at this brand new video of CEP performing a new Lithuanian team!": frankly the work is so impressive that we don't have neither the time or the wish to do this, we (this means me and all the excellent contributors we have for the CEP) prefer working for this hobby giving to Fifa users a brand new game with thousands of teams and players from all around the world. An example: Jose Delgado, who actually is together with Esterry the main co-author of CEP, submitted an INCREDIBLE work of minikits: not simply a pack, but an huge collection of about 500 minikits amazingly detailed: it's not our style to write spots about the quality of these submissions, you will find them in the CEP and will be properly presented at their release, and so on.
And we make this for hobby: EA doesn't help us much, we don't receive money and we don't collaborate officially for the Fifa database: we just like to update Fifa in the most sistematic and extensive way and we want to share our passion with all the CEP users. Bus as we do it for hobby, then it's not our work so when real life calls for more important things or just for more relax we just want to take it easy. Summarizing: don't ask for release dates and similar things, I think I give a lot of informations about the status of our hobby-work: just enjoy what we have to offer and if you want to partecipate just join us: we love to work in team.
As I posted in the previous post, I found a solution for the fifa.fat limitation that means to be able to add more stuff to our CEP: when this limitation existed I renounced to create more flags and adboards for the new teams, but now that this limitation is no more we can make our CEP more and more complete. This is why I created more PSD (Adobe Photoshop) templates to create adboards and flags, together with the ones for kits that are dedicated anyway to the contributors helping us in creating the league. Creating adboards and flags is extremely easy: just a small knowledge of Photoshop is needed: paste your bmps of flags and adboards inside the PSD template, export them in bitmap format and submit them to me through mail af fifaock AT In the original game a lot of teams lack of flags and use generic ones, you can find the list of the teams that need flags in this list, so we will wait for your contributions to the CEP project: you can find these templates in this section of CEP forums.
Und nochwas:
Zitat von OckHAM
Sunday, August 6, 2006

Revolutionary gameplay soon!
A wonderful new for CEP users and generally for all Fifa2006 players: the master Rinaldo, indeed the best hard-core editor of the Fifa scene (you can find his works here on Sweetpatch at the Fifamaster section) found finally a way to decode the positions of the players on free kicks: this means that we now have the way to organize and pack a full functional gameplay inspired by the idea of Fifaccitiu of reducing the size of the field to spread a better dynamics of play in the game. The theorical explication of why this improves the game can be found here on soccergaming forums, and I'm actually at work to prepare a an EXE of the first version of this revolutionary approach to the gameplay of Fifa.
Another excellent new is that CEP users are already submitting excellent flags for the teams that lack banners and flags in the original game and for all the new teams of the CEP patch: Vlada Cilokin already submitted a bunch of new flags of the highest quality and this will be one more of the many incredible innovations you will find in September in the CEP 2.0: if you want contribute with your flags or adboards for your favourite team just go here on CEP forums and download the psd templates: I will post in the forum the list of the flags already done so we can avoid duplicate. I have the segnalate the wonderful work of Didicito from Argentina, who is submitting an impressive number of extremely original logos for CEP teams: you will be astonished by the quality and originality of his work. Within days, I hope tomorrow, you will find the new CEP gameplay inspired by the ideas of Fifaccitiu, stay tuned then!

Also: Der Release verschiebt sich nochmal auf September.
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