08.08.2006, 14:53 | Suchen
Beitrag #101 | |
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Hab mich total drauf gefreut werd ihn mir aber jez doch nicht laden!!!!
| | 08.08.2006, 14:56 |
Beitrag #102 | |
Beiträge: 3.901
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Beiträge: 3.901
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Ich auch nicht!Da hol ich mir auch gleich stattdessen FIFA07.
| | 08.08.2006, 15:39 |
Beitrag #103 | |
Beiträge: 1.441
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ich auch will heute Fifa 07 vorbestellen...
| | 31.08.2006, 11:49 |
Beitrag #104 | |
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So, ich melde mich auch mal wieder. Leuder werden doch nicht so viele Ligen wie versprochen enthalten sein. 
Hier der aktuellste Stand der Dinge: Zitat:
CEP 2.0 Preview 2 - The GUI
Our serie of previews about CEP 2.0 continues with a focus on the graphical interface improvements that you will find in the last version for Fifa 2006 of our project: in the meanwhile the work on the 2.0 is coming to its final stages, with the huge work of update on rosters being realized in these days: you can find details on which leagues has been updated with extreme detail in the Status section of the CEP website. The work program is to complete first the update of the rosters for all the main leagues of the game (especially the ones originally included in Fifa, because the CEP custom leagues are almost updated to this season), then to finish packing last leagues missing (I hope to finish: Bulgary, J-League, Switzerland 2nd, Hungary 2nd) and graphical addons to the GUI (adboards, flags, logos). As I want to release the CEP for the mid of September I don't think we will have a real betatesting session and most probably we'll have to release an only-database update for October, just before Fifa 2007 release. As I already mentioned we'll do our best to convert as soon as possible (considering the study of the Fifa 2007 format: we hope to have some informations soon) the CEP to the 2007 engine. Let's discover, in the meanwhile, the new improvements CEP will perform to Fifa gui.
The new version of CEP will include many improvements to the GUI (the graphical interface) of the game together with the hugest amount of original minikits, banner, stadium flags and other graphical stuff ever realized for a soccer game. Many contributors from all over the world gave their personal contribution to increase the number of new quality stuff that you will find in the final release of CEP for Fifa 2006, among all I can't avoid to citate three of the greatest co-authors of the Career Expansion Patch: Jose Delgado, Vlada "Cilokin" and Didicito.
Jose Delgado is a venezuelan contributor of CEP who started his collaboration since this winter: he can be considered, together with Esterry, one of the main authors of CEP and he's absolutely a genius of kits and minikits designing: his knowlege of southamerican football allowed the CEP to have the most updated rosters and kits for the CONMEBOL teams and his work can be only defined as impressive and huge for quality and quantity. He discovered a new method of minikits creation that allowed the creation of more than 1000 new original and top-quality minikits: now all the teams that previously had only generic or low-quality minikits (a lot of them, especially south american ones, realized by me ) have extra-detailed minis in game, updated to last season and wonderful to see in game. Really the work of Jose Delgado with minikits is absolutely impressive and it's absolutely a must-have for every Fifa fans: only the CEP users can discover this wonderful work realized by one of the most important contributors of this project. Jose did much more for this version of CEP, as extremely detailed and updated kits of south american teams for 2006/07 season, many rosters updates for CONMEBOL teams and a great work of data-collecting for southamerican leagues that you will find extra-detailed and updated in CEP 2.0, but this will be the subject of another preview.. I have to segnalate how the greatness of Jose Delgado is to let the facts and his editing creations speaking for his quality of editor, and not the presence on many community forum with many words: in my knowledge of the Fifa editing scene he's indeed one of the best, if not the best editor I have known and it's an honour and a pleasure to have him as main collaborator of this project.
Another wonderful discovery of this version of CEP is a serbian flagmaker, Vlada "Cilokin", from Fifaserbia, who created an impressive number of original, top-quality, extremely realistic in-stadium flags: the main objective of his work has been to create flags for all the teams that don't have one in the original game (i.e. the ones with the awful "generic banners" activated) and to replace some of the worst and no-realistical flags that have been included in the game. The result of this is another impressive quality-quantity extensive work on game flags that you will find in game delighting your matches with realistical banners of your favourite team. You can find the detailed list of the new flags that will be included in the game here on CEP forums.
The CEP 2.0 will perform an original and exclusive collection of new style logos, realized by the excellent and original argentinean collaborator Didicito: Didicito is the first of the Fifa scene who devoted completely his activity to extremely detailed transparency-effects logos of the Fifa teams: with more than 1000 new logos you will be impressed by the amazing quality of his work that will improve the quality and originality of the game GUI. The Didicito's collection of logos is the example of an immense talent in graphical editing devoted to improve our soccer gaming experience.
These are only some examples of the new stuff in graphical interface that you will find in CEP 2.0: more than this you will find all the latest creations from the greatest minis artist of the fifa scene, Agusx, who will delight your eyes with his top-quality creations. In the career modality you will find a lot of innovations in the regional division, now more rational and with a better graphical menu that will displays the flags of the country that you will find in that region. And much more: hundreds of new adboards will give to CEP matches the top of quality and realism, realized by the best artists of the fifa editing scene. So, you will be indeed impressed by how much a patch can improve and transform you Fifa experience: the CEP 2.0 will be the definitive add-on for all Fifa users, waiting for the Fifa 2007 format details to start the work of conversion and provide to all soccer fans their definitive gaming experience.
Much more you will discover with the release of the patch as we prefer facts instead of words. So, can't wait for the new CEP release that will transform one more time and as never before you gaming experience? Release date is very near, in the meanwhile you can wait for CEP Preview 3 that will discover other aspects of the incoming Career Expansion Patch release.
| Quelle: www.fifa-mra.com/CEP | | 31.08.2006, 11:51 |
Beitrag #105 | |
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CEP 2.0 Preview 1 - The Database
The release of the final version for Fifa 2006 of the Career Expansion Patch, the CEP 2.0, is coming as the huge work on new teams and leagues is almost completed and is near to start the operation of complete update to 2006/07 rosters and league composition. As we want to provide a wide and complete update to rosters this work will necessary ends after the first days of September as the main quantity of european transfers happens on 30th and 31th August: so I can estimate that a plausible release date can be the weekend of 9/10 September.
The quantity of new things, innovations and radical revolutions applied to the game is so large and long that I decided to dedicate these days that separate us from the release to a serie of preview on what the CEP 2.0 will contain and which modifications it will apport to your gaming experience, as the number of new leagues and teams is not at all the only main feature of our work. I say our work because since the starting of this project the CEP has been transformed in a group of great editors and friends, working at this hobby to transform EA football games: you will discover and know the main CEP authors and partners during these day at CEP 2.0 previews.
This first preview of CEP 2.0 features is dedicated to the database, the numerical core of the game, on which we spent really a lot of time, being the main engine of a game based on a career: CEP will contain something like 30.000 players (!), each one with detailed physical appearance, rational rating and datas. This HUGE work of collection of data has been possible thanks to an appassionate team of "databaters", coordinated by Esterry whose work has been for months (since April!) to research and study over official teams websites, finding datas and pictures: has been wonderful to notice who we received contributions from all over the world, by fans of teams of each country, just dedicated to the passion for football, so different from the isolated episodes of narrow-view jealousies and egoism. All these datas were collected in xls format and re-elaborated by me in fifa-data format. I've user a new "matrix" to generate players values based on position and quality (i.e. wing midfielders - average 60-70) so that every player has unique datas thanks to random variations over hundreds of numerical bases (it's wonderful how many things you can do with Excel and Access coordinated..).
The CEP database will feature some innovations to the game structure itself, based on career mode, innovations that are possible thanks to the ideas of some excellent editors:
1) Fifaccitiu discovered some "hidden" codes inside the Fifa database that generate the type of career development of a single player: these numbers determinate for example how a player will grow during the years, which will be his behaviour, if he will bloom at a mid-age or if he will have a late-blooming. These codes will be added and randomized for all the players in the game and this means that you will have to manage unpredictable players different growings during the game: for example imagine that in your career you buy Fernando Torres from Atletico Madrid, that at the beginning of the game is one of the most promising youths, just to discover that he is a early-bloomer, i.e. a player giving his best at a very young age! Or to buy a Slovakian 1989's to discover that he's a phenomenon, a young brazilian midfielder to discover that he grows as a new Emerson; of course who is a star player, a Rooney, a Ronaldinho etc. will never become a bad player, but maybe with the years someone will be better than them: you will have to discover it. Amazing, right?
2) To add more unpredictability and creativity to the career mode I've adopted a new system to calculate player's potential in game. The "potential" is the 0-100 number that in database determinate how and how much the player will grow, which is effective potential. So Ronaldinho has 99 etc. The new potentials, applied to existing players too, will be much more dynamic and flexible: for example a player with potential of 85 in the original game will have a potential that is random generated between 65 and 95 (85 -20/+10) so you have to discover to which limit the player can arrive and if it's good to seel him before he starts to descending in his potential. And so on: this means that in career mode, for example, in year 2010/11 you can find that the world of football has really changed, that there are new stars playing around the leagues of all the world. Will be much more entertaining to play in an evolutionary world of football instead than in a statical one.
3) Have you noticed how easy is in the original game to spend money on staff components in career and building a "perfect staff" even with lower leagues teams within year? This has been radically changed in CEP, not only with a wide new sponsorship system, featuring dozens of new sponsors based on countries and team prestige (i.e. if you build a winning team reaching first position of your league and winning in europe you will obtain better sponsorships contracts up to the super-rich Nike and SkySports; while SkySports will not be interested anyway in a Finnish team for example) but with a completely renewed staff improvements cost: now if you start with a Third Division team in the game you need at least 6/7 years (maybe more) to transform it in a fully functional first division team with adeguate enomical power, if not you can't substain the cost of star player: so you have to decide if you want to plan your team growth, spending money on structures instead only on players to find you unprepared to upper divisions and struggles.
This work on database took months of daily hours of study, development of coherent numbers series, fixing values and testing, finding informations and elaborate them with calm, all just with Excel sheets (the type of work we'd like to see already included in EA databases...): this is the way to perform a serious editing of Fifa, without utilities elaboration and bugs generation: just numbers, numbers, numbers: we transform these numbers in a game, almost a new game as you will see with CEP 2.0. And of course all this huge work on database will be step by step converted as the the Fifa 2007 db is unveiled.
So, can't wait for the new CEP release that will transform one more time and as never before you gaming experience? Release date is very near, in the meanwhile you can wait for CEP Preview 2 that will discover other aspects of the incoming Career Expansion Patch release, not with words but with facts, as it's in the style of the work of CEP staff.
| Quelle: www.fifa-mra.com/CEP Release Status:
Objectives for future and plan of future CEP versions
2.0 (Summer, definitive version)
Ukraine league
Czech Gambrinus Liga
Bulgary League
Israel League
Albania league
Bosnia league
Lithuania league
Slovenian SI Mobil Liga
Slovakian Corgon Liga
Iceland Landsbakkaldeid
Finland Veikkausliga
Uruguay league
Japan J-League
Hungary league
German Regionalliga North and South
German Oberliga North and South
Dutch 2nd division
Belgium 2nd division
Scotland 2nd division
Portugal 2nd division
Poland 2nd division
Argentina 2nd division
Improved Copa de Brasil (Brazil national cup)
Brazil: Carioca league (statal league)
Brazil: Gaucho league (statal league)
Brazil: Acreano league (statal league)
Brazil: Brasiliense league (statal league)
Brazil: Paranaense league (statal league)
Best of Africa club teams
Asian Nationals Cup
More world national teams
CAF Champions League (African CL)
OFC Club Championship (Oceania CL)
AFC Champions League (Asian CL)
Merge with Donovan patch
(CONCACAF teams and competitions)
New flags for all the teams
| | 31.08.2006, 11:51 |
Beitrag #106 | |
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Beiträge: 400
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In this section of CEP site I'll put informations on what is in preparation for the next version of CEP so you can know about realization status:
Updating main leagues to 2006/07
Rosters FULLY updated to 2006/07
French Ligue 1
French Ligue 2
English Premiership
English Championship
English League One
English League Two
Scotland Premier League
Netherlands Eredivisie
Netherlands Jupiler League
Spanish Primera Division
Spanish Segunda Division
Italian Serie A
Italian Serie B
Italian Serie C1A and C1B
Swedish Allsvenskan
Albania Championship (1st div)
Portugal Liga de Honra (2nd div)
Scotland Bell's league (2nd div)
Finland Veikkausliiga (1st div)
Iceland Premier League (1st div)
Brazil Carioca (regional league)
Brazil Gaucho (regional league)
Argentina Segunda Div (2nd div)
Slovenia Si Mobil Liga (1st div)
Slovakia SuperLiga (1st div)
Hungary Borsodi Liga (1st div)
Germany Regionalliga Nord (3rd div)
Germany Regionalliga Sud (3rd div)
Germany Oberliga best of (4th div)
Lithuania A Lyga (1st div)
Uruguay Primera Division (1st div)
Israel Ligat Al (1st div)
Netherlands Jupiler League (2nd div)
Czech Gambrinus League (1st div)
Ukraine Premier League (1st div)
Teams Done:
Albania: Elbasani, Tirana, Dinamo Tirana, Partizani, Besa, Vllaznia, Shumbini, Teuta, Skenderbreu, Lushnija + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Portugal 2nd: Beira-Mar, Aves, Leixoes, Olhanense, Varzim, Gondomar, Santa Clara, Chaves, Estoril, Feirense, Vizela, Portimonense, Moreirense, Sp. Covilha, Berreirense, Marco, Ovarense, Maia + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Finland: Tampere UTD, Honka, Mariehamn, TPS, KooTeePee, Haka, Mypa, HJK Helsinki, Inter Turku, FC Lahti, VPS, KuPS, Jaro + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Scotland 2nd: St.Mirren, St. Johnstone, Hamilton, Ross County, Clyde, Airdrie United, Dundee FC, Queen of South, Stanraer, Brechin + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Iceland: FH, Breidablik, Fylkir, Grindavik, Keflavik, IBV, KR, Akranes, Valur, Vikingur Reykjavik + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Brazil Carioca: America RJ, Americano, Cabofriense, Friburguense, Madureira, Nova Igacau, Portuguesa RJ, Volta Redonda + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Brazil Gaucho: 15 de Novembro, Brasil de Pelotas, Caxias, Esportivo, Farroupilha, Gaucho, Gloria, Novo Hamburgo, Passo Fundo, Sao Jose, Sao Jose Cachoeira, Sao Luiz, Ulbra, Veranopolis + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Slovenia: Bela Krajina, FC Koper, Hit ND Gorica, Nafta Lendeva, NK Drava Ptuj, NK Maribor Lasko, NK Primorje, Publikum Celje, Rudar Velenje + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Slovakia: AS Trencin, Dukla Banska Bystrica, Inter Bratislava, Matador Puchov, MFK Ruzomberok, MSK Zilina, Nitra FC, Spartak Trnava, ZTS Dubinica + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Hungary: Debrecen, Ujpest, Fehervar, MTK, Ferencvaros, Tatabanya, Kaposvar, Diosgyor, Gyor, Sopron, Zalaegerszeg, Pecs, Bp. Honved, REAC, Vasas, Papa + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Argentina Segunda Div.: Aldosivi, Almagro, Atletico Rafaela, Belgrando de Cordoba, Ben Hur, CAI, Chacarita Juniors, Nueva Chicago, Defensa y Justicia, El Porvenir, Ferrocarril Oeste, Godoy Cruz, Huracan, Huracan Tres Arroyos, Juventud Antoniana, Platense, San Martin Tucuman, San Martin Mendoza, San Martin San Juan, Talleres Cordoba, Tigre, Union de Santa Fe, Villa Mitre + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Regionalliga Nord: Bayer Leverkusen II, Borussia Dortmund II, Borussia M'gladbach II, FC Sankt Pauli, Fortuna Dusseldorf, Hamburger SV II, Hertha Berlin II, Holstein Kiel, Kickers Emden, RW Erfurt, SV Werder Bremen II, SV Wilehlmshaven, Union Berlin, VFB Lubeck, VFL Osnabruck, Wuppertaler SV + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Regionalliga Sud: FC Kaiserslautern II, Bayern Munchen II, FC Augsburg, FC Ingolstadt, FK Pirmasens, Hessen Kassel, Karlsruher SC II, SC Pfullendorf, SSV Reutlingen, Stuttgarter Kickers, SV Elversberg, SV Darmstadt, SV Wehen, TSG Hoffeneheim, TSV 1860 Munchen II, Vfb Stuttgart II, Vfr Aalen + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Lithuania: Ekranas, Atlantas, Siauliai, Suduva, FC Vilnius, Zalgiris, Vetra, Silute, Nevezis + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Uruguay: Defensor Sporting, Central, Liverpool, Rentistas, Rampla Juniors, Cerrito, River Plate, Bella Vista, Tacuarembo, Wanderers, Cerro, Miramar, Rocha, Dep. Colonia, Penarol + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Israel: Beitar Jerusalem, Bnei Yehuda Tel Aviv, Hapoel Bnei Shakin, Hapoel Kfar Saba, Hapoel Nazareth Ilit, Hapoel Petach Tikva, Hapoel Tel Aviv, Maccabi Netania, Maccabi Petach Tikva, Maccabi Tel Aviv, SC Ashdod + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Oberliga best of Nord: FC Kleve, FC Koln II, Bonner SC, Chemnitzer FC, FSV Frankfurt, MSV Neuruppin, Preussen Munster, RW Oberhausen, SG Wattenscheid, SV Verl + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Oberliga best of Sud: FC Eschborn, FC Magdeburg, FC Nurnberg II, FC Homburg, Spvgg Bayreuth, SSV Regensburg, SSV Ulm 1846, SV Eintracht Tier, VFC Plauen, Wurzburger FC + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Netherland 2nd: AGOVV Apeldoorn, De Graafschap, Excelsior, FC Den Bosch, FC Dordrecht, FC Eindhoven, FC Emmen, FC Omniworld, FC Volendam, FC Zwolle, Fortuna Sittard, Go Ahead Eagles, Helmond Sport, HFC Haarlem, MVV, Stormvogels Telstar, TOP Oss, VVV-Venlo, BV Veendam, Cambuur Leeuwarden + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Czech: 1. FC Brno, 1. FC Slovacko, Ceske Budejovice, FK Jablonec 97, FK Marila Pribram, FK Siam Most, FK Teplice, Kladno SK, Mlada Boleslav SK, Sigma Olomouc, Slovan Liberec, Tescoma Zlin, Viktoria Plzen + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Ukraine: Dynamo Kyiv, Shaktar Donetsk, Arsenal Kyiv, Dnipro, Illichivets, Metalist, Metalurg D, Tavriya, Karpaty, Vorskla, Kryvbas, Chernomorets, FC Kharkiv, Metalurg Z, Zorya, Stal A + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners)
Realization status summary:
CODE: 80%
TESTING: 0% Release:
9.-10. September
| | 31.08.2006, 18:55 |
Beitrag #107 | |
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Das klingt doch schonmal super.
Ich bin echt gespannt auf den CEP.
| | 01.09.2006, 07:57 |
Beitrag #108 | |
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Beiträge: 87
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Das war klar das weniger Ligen kommen. | | 01.09.2006, 19:24 |
Beitrag #109 | |
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Beiträge: 400
| | Der aktuellste Stand: Doing: Updating main leagues to 2006/07 Rosters FULLY updated to 2006/07 French Ligue 1 French Ligue 2 English Premiership English Championship English League One English League Two Scotland Premier League Netherlands Eredivisie Netherlands Jupiler League Spanish Primera Division Spanish Segunda Division Italian Serie A Italian Serie B Italian Serie C1A and C1B Swedish Allsvenskan German Bundesliga 1 German Bundesliga 2 Denmark Superligaen Done: Albania Championship (1st div) Portugal Liga de Honra (2nd div) Scotland Bell's league (2nd div) Finland Veikkausliiga (1st div) Iceland Premier League (1st div) Brazil Carioca (regional league) Brazil Gaucho (regional league) Argentina Segunda Div (2nd div) Slovenia Si Mobil Liga (1st div) Slovakia SuperLiga (1st div) Hungary Borsodi Liga (1st div) Germany Regionalliga Nord (3rd div) Germany Regionalliga Sud (3rd div) Germany Oberliga best of (4th div) Lithuania A Lyga (1st div) Uruguay Primera Division (1st div) Israel Ligat Al (1st div) Netherlands Jupiler League (2nd div) Czech Gambrinus League (1st div) Ukraine Premier League (1st div) Teams Done: Albania: Elbasani, Tirana, Dinamo Tirana, Partizani, Besa, Vllaznia, Shumbini, Teuta, Skenderbreu, Lushnija + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Portugal 2nd: Beira-Mar, Aves, Leixoes, Olhanense, Varzim, Gondomar, Santa Clara, Chaves, Estoril, Feirense, Vizela, Portimonense, Moreirense, Sp. Covilha, Berreirense, Marco, Ovarense, Maia + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Finland: Tampere UTD, Honka, Mariehamn, TPS, KooTeePee, Haka, Mypa, HJK Helsinki, Inter Turku, FC Lahti, VPS, KuPS, Jaro + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Scotland 2nd: St.Mirren, St. Johnstone, Hamilton, Ross County, Clyde, Airdrie United, Dundee FC, Queen of South, Stanraer, Brechin + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Iceland: FH, Breidablik, Fylkir, Grindavik, Keflavik, IBV, KR, Akranes, Valur, Vikingur Reykjavik + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Brazil Carioca: America RJ, Americano, Cabofriense, Friburguense, Madureira, Nova Igacau, Portuguesa RJ, Volta Redonda + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Brazil Gaucho: 15 de Novembro, Brasil de Pelotas, Caxias, Esportivo, Farroupilha, Gaucho, Gloria, Novo Hamburgo, Passo Fundo, Sao Jose, Sao Jose Cachoeira, Sao Luiz, Ulbra, Veranopolis + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Slovenia: Bela Krajina, FC Koper, Hit ND Gorica, Nafta Lendeva, NK Drava Ptuj, NK Maribor Lasko, NK Primorje, Publikum Celje, Rudar Velenje + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Slovakia: AS Trencin, Dukla Banska Bystrica, Inter Bratislava, Matador Puchov, MFK Ruzomberok, MSK Zilina, Nitra FC, Spartak Trnava, ZTS Dubinica + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Hungary: Debrecen, Ujpest, Fehervar, MTK, Ferencvaros, Tatabanya, Kaposvar, Diosgyor, Gyor, Sopron, Zalaegerszeg, Pecs, Bp. Honved, REAC, Vasas, Papa + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Argentina Segunda Div.: Aldosivi, Almagro, Atletico Rafaela, Belgrando de Cordoba, Ben Hur, CAI, Chacarita Juniors, Nueva Chicago, Defensa y Justicia, El Porvenir, Ferrocarril Oeste, Godoy Cruz, Huracan, Huracan Tres Arroyos, Juventud Antoniana, Platense, San Martin Tucuman, San Martin Mendoza, San Martin San Juan, Talleres Cordoba, Tigre, Union de Santa Fe, Villa Mitre + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Regionalliga Nord: Bayer Leverkusen II, Borussia Dortmund II, Borussia M'gladbach II, FC Sankt Pauli, Fortuna Dusseldorf, Hamburger SV II, Hertha Berlin II, Holstein Kiel, Kickers Emden, RW Erfurt, SV Werder Bremen II, SV Wilehlmshaven, Union Berlin, VFB Lubeck, VFL Osnabruck, Wuppertaler SV + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Regionalliga Sud: FC Kaiserslautern II, Bayern Munchen II, FC Augsburg, FC Ingolstadt, FK Pirmasens, Hessen Kassel, Karlsruher SC II, SC Pfullendorf, SSV Reutlingen, Stuttgarter Kickers, SV Elversberg, SV Darmstadt, SV Wehen, TSG Hoffeneheim, TSV 1860 Munchen II, Vfb Stuttgart II, Vfr Aalen + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Lithuania: Ekranas, Atlantas, Siauliai, Suduva, FC Vilnius, Zalgiris, Vetra, Silute, Nevezis + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Uruguay: Defensor Sporting, Central, Liverpool, Rentistas, Rampla Juniors, Cerrito, River Plate, Bella Vista, Tacuarembo, Wanderers, Cerro, Miramar, Rocha, Dep. Colonia, Penarol + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Israel: Beitar Jerusalem, Bnei Yehuda Tel Aviv, Hapoel Bnei Shakin, Hapoel Kfar Saba, Hapoel Nazareth Ilit, Hapoel Petach Tikva, Hapoel Tel Aviv, Maccabi Netania, Maccabi Petach Tikva, Maccabi Tel Aviv, SC Ashdod + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Oberliga best of Nord: FC Kleve, FC Koln II, Bonner SC, Chemnitzer FC, FSV Frankfurt, MSV Neuruppin, Preussen Munster, RW Oberhausen, SG Wattenscheid, SV Verl + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Oberliga best of Sud: FC Eschborn, FC Magdeburg, FC Nurnberg II, FC Homburg, Spvgg Bayreuth, SSV Regensburg, SSV Ulm 1846, SV Eintracht Tier, VFC Plauen, Wurzburger FC + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Netherland 2nd: AGOVV Apeldoorn, De Graafschap, Excelsior, FC Den Bosch, FC Dordrecht, FC Eindhoven, FC Emmen, FC Omniworld, FC Volendam, FC Zwolle, Fortuna Sittard, Go Ahead Eagles, Helmond Sport, HFC Haarlem, MVV, Stormvogels Telstar, TOP Oss, VVV-Venlo, BV Veendam, Cambuur Leeuwarden + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Czech: 1. FC Brno, 1. FC Slovacko, Ceske Budejovice, FK Jablonec 97, FK Marila Pribram, FK Siam Most, FK Teplice, Kladno SK, Mlada Boleslav SK, Sigma Olomouc, Slovan Liberec, Tescoma Zlin, Viktoria Plzen + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Ukraine: Dynamo Kyiv, Shaktar Donetsk, Arsenal Kyiv, Dnipro, Illichivets, Metalist, Metalurg D, Tavriya, Karpaty, Vorskla, Kryvbas, Chernomorets, FC Kharkiv, Metalurg Z, Zorya, Stal A + graphical elements (logos, kits, banners) Realization status summary: CODE: 90% GRAPHICS: 90% TESTING: 0% So, die Rosters der 1. und 2. Buli sind jetzt auch fertig!!! | | 01.09.2006, 19:25 |
Beitrag #110 | |
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Nicht schlecht,aber wer spielt schon FIFA 06 noch? | | |