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17.12.2007, 05:45  

Beitrag #11

Kakà 15s Avatar
Kakà 15
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Kakà 15s Avatar
Kakà 15
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Very nice faces, mate.
17.12.2007, 10:59  

Beitrag #12

VfB_Fans Avatar
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VfB_Fans Avatar
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Nice face und logos Zwinkern
21.12.2007, 23:44  

Beitrag #13

CKalvins Avatar
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CKalvins Avatar
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I wanted to quit FIFA face-making, but many thanks to ICEMANROH!
Zitat von LFC Forever

OK, I won't quit facemaking, because of you guys support, and because that...


KAKA' HAIR is DONE by ICEMANROH! Many thanks to you for completing the hair for my Kaka' face! He also remodeled a bit, and I remodeled his a bit too. Zwinkern

Kaka' (best!?) by CKal collab Icemanroh

New link with cleaned neck and mapped throat:

I failed making the shade of the Aerow. Enttäuscht

EVEN IF I DON'T QUIT, I am away during the Winter Break (Christmas/New Year Holiday). Going to Florida... Lachen Enttäuscht
22.12.2007, 04:09  

Beitrag #14

CKalvins Avatar
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CKalvins Avatar
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Zitat von LFC Forever
To me, Kaka' is always angry. :p I'm sorry Ultra, but this is hard to fix. It is because of the original pic that he looked angry.

To others - cleaned neck and mapped throat:
Edit - added quotes.
22.12.2007, 04:26  

Beitrag #15

Kakà 15s Avatar
Kakà 15
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Kakà 15s Avatar
Kakà 15
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Beiträge: 3.560
Zitat von CKalvin
To me, Kaka' is always angry. :p I'm sorry Ultra, but this is hard to fix. It is because of the original pic that he looked angry.

To others - cleaned neck and mapped throat:
Thats right. I've tryed to create kakà to but it's very very hard to mapping her face... he's always laughing Lachen Your Face is not perfect but very very hard to mapping i know it! Zwinkern
22.12.2007, 05:02  

Beitrag #16

CKalvins Avatar
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CKalvins Avatar
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It's because I got a non-laughing pic. Lachen

22.12.2007, 20:17  

Beitrag #17

Kakà 15s Avatar
Kakà 15
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Kakà 15s Avatar
Kakà 15
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Beiträge: 3.560
I used this pic, too. to hard Lachen
22.12.2007, 20:34  

Beitrag #18

VfB_Fans Avatar
Beiträge: 6.191
VfB_Fans Avatar
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Beiträge: 6.191
Nice face Zwinkern
23.12.2007, 02:05  

Beitrag #19

CKalvins Avatar
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CKalvins Avatar
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If you think that anything is not good enough, I'm sorry, but I am too lazy to update - that's the final version of Kaka'.

About Ambrosini, I will release him tonight (as in the night of 22 Dec 2007 [GMT -5]). This would be, again, just a beta version. I am releasing so that you won't have to wait till I come back from Florida to get rid of EA's Ambrosini.

About that he looked too young, well, (I am not fixing it now because I am busy) he looked young the original pic, and the pic is quite new... Panik I will try my best to old-ify him before release.

I will be leaving at about 3:00am of 23 December 2007 [GMT -5]. Happy holidays! Lachen
23.12.2007, 09:45  

Beitrag #20

CKalvins Avatar
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CKalvins Avatar
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Final touches of beta Ambrosini in a hurry:

Feel happy for you guys that you can get rid of EA's Ambrosini! I will fix something when I come back from Orlando, Florida.

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