Alright boys and...not-sure-boys-or-girls xD !!! My final release for FIFA 08 is out right now as promised
Duong's Total Faces Pack 08 Released
-This Faces Pack contains all of my faces made for FIFA 08, which means it is an archive of all my 10 released packs, consisting of 31 faces.
-In this pack there are a few updates/improvements of some of my previously released faces. To see the list of the updates, please take a look at Change Log.txt included in the pack.
-There are also a few bonus features included to further enhance your viewing pleasure in the game (noticed it in the preview up there yet xD?).
-If you need to know anything else, download the thing xD ehehehe
Alright so I guess that's all I have to contribute for this season guys Thanks a lot for supporting and hopefully we'll be able to do the same next year
The last thing I wanna tell you before you start smashing your opponents (or they smash you xD): Enjoy!!!