Since El Classico is coming this weekend, I guess it's a good time for me to make a Madrid face. The dude I've made this time is Balboa. I'm really sorry -TK-, forgot that you were doing a Madrid pack until Remal reminded me (I already finished more than halfway at that moment).
In game screens. Take a look at these if you want to see more side and back details.
DRC screen:
Alright. Later maybe some Reina screens will pop up xD In the mean time please feel free to post your comments/suggestions.
Alright guys, took us a bit long because of some things, now Jose "Pepe" Reina's previews are finally here This one is a collab between me and Remal (my fellow facemaker at Soccergaming forums). My part is only the texture, the rest was all done by Remal and I only added a few tweaking and modifications (minor remapping, remodelling, texture sharpening) at the very end.
In-game screenshots:
DRC screenshot:
That's it for today. BTW Arnau and I have finally come to an agreement to make Aguero's face tomorrow, so there shouldn't be any more delays :p In the mean time, please feel free to post any comments you want to on Reina's face, I'll pay close attention to them and will also let Remal know if there's any issues about the model.
Seit 2009 besteht Funbolzer nun schon. Wir sind eine Funliga in der alle Spaß haben können, ob 16 oder 50, ob Student oder Familienvater, hier findet jeder seinen Platz und bekommt auch die nötige...