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11.09.2006, 19:29  

Beitrag #21

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Zitat von Anonymous
I read your posts in the thread and actually,FP23 is right to ban you.
Of course you can think what you like but you shoudn't say it in an official forum.
FP23 is also doing such things. and a lot of other people like him. i gave him back, what he did.

i think, you don´t know FP23 as well as i do. he earned it. he does a lot of stupid things but he never got warned because he is a F4F member. it is his "own" forum. and don´t you remember what i said about GFO? i think you understand me good enough...

he had to contact me with a private message or an instant messenger like ICQ or MSN. i would stop. (think of GFO, F4F and the forum etc.)
11.09.2006, 19:33  

Beitrag #22

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Didn't you see what he did for us?
He made very great stadium patches and faces.
You aren't allowed to critic him.
11.09.2006, 19:40  

Beitrag #23

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Zitat von Anonymous
Dont't you see what he did for us?
He made very great stadium patches and faces.
You aren't allowed to critic him.
i am. it´s not important what he did. in the forum and in the background of the sites, that is all the same. everybody is the same. he has to held back like the other users and respect them. but he doesn´t. that´s the problem. you read what i criticized and nearly every word is right. i´m sure about this. if he wouldn´t be cowardly, he would not ban me. he would discuss with me about it.

FP23 did not answer in the thread! he said other things. so i said "back to topic" an wanted to stop it but other users interfered and wanted to speak about it.

11.09.2006, 19:42  

Beitrag #24

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Why aren't you banned in this forum,too?
Your posts are full of rubbish.
11.09.2006, 19:46  

Beitrag #25

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Zitat von Anonymous
Why aren't you banned in this forum,too?
Your posts are full of rubbish. don´t know me long enough. this is your 3rd post and all of your posts are in THIS thread. you can´t criticize me. you have to know me a few months.

i never will be banned from this forum...our team never would ban his own membersCool
11.09.2006, 19:51  

Beitrag #26

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I spoke with some of the team and they said that the would like to ban you
11.09.2006, 19:54  

Beitrag #27

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there is no reason....i can´t trust somebody i don´t know. if they would want this, they would say it to me. they have no fear. why should they? there is no reason anyway.

sorry, but that´s....nonsense

ich bin mir sogar sicher, dass du einer aus dem forum hier bist. namen nenne ich nicht aber hab ein paar kandidaten.

Back to Topic
11.09.2006, 19:56  

Beitrag #28

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I'm not new.
Look at my registry dateCool
11.09.2006, 19:59  

Beitrag #29

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Zitat von Ballack 13
Back to Topic
11.09.2006, 20:00  

Beitrag #30

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I know excatly what happens.
I only didn't use to find it necessary to post something.
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