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04.09.2006, 21:16  

Beitrag #11

ms91s Avatar
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Zitat von FP23
und gegen deinen Fußpilz hilft es wohl auch Lachen
Danke, du Supergenie! Alle Mittel haben nix geholfen (noch nicht mal die von Ratiopharm), aber da ich weiß, dass Moderator-sein gegen Fußpilz hilft ist er weg! DANKE FP23!!
04.09.2006, 21:19  

Beitrag #12

Ballack 13s Avatar
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Zitat von FP23
Nachts ist es kälter als draußen ... stimmt auch ... und was bringt es: Nix Zwinkern

Naja kommt sonst werden alle Threads zu gemacht....
komm, leg noch nen schlimmes wörtchen drauf.
04.09.2006, 21:24  

Beitrag #13

Jonass Avatar
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Ach,ihr seid doch alle gleich schlimm.Wutanfall
05.09.2006, 08:06  

Beitrag #14

Zidanes Avatar
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You're all weird.
Why do you close all threads?
Look at fifaboards,they close not very often the threads.
But here,if you say something critical,the thread is closed.
06.09.2006, 07:04  

Beitrag #15

L'agriculteurs Avatar
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L'agriculteurs Avatar
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I don't like fifaboards.
There are many users,but they don't post anything.
Sometimes I think there are only guys who are 10 years old.
Anyway,they ask a question and then they are happy and don't say anything.
09.09.2006, 14:28  

Beitrag #16

Ballack 13s Avatar
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Ballack 13
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the boards are unprofessional. there are only up to 12-year-old children. they only post if they need help and the mods don´t do anything. many users are insulting other users but the mods don´t say or do anything.

we only close threads, if it´s necessary. for example, if a question was answered and the rest of the thread is full of spam or insults.

we don´t close threads often. long time ago, we had to close a lot but not for fun. we had to close themCool
09.09.2006, 17:46  

Beitrag #17

L'agriculteurs Avatar
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L'agriculteurs Avatar
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I laughed when i saw that they worry because and aren't avaible.Lachflash
They are really small children who can't wait some days till the sites are avaible again.Cool
11.09.2006, 07:30  

Beitrag #18

Zidanes Avatar
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@Ballack 13:
They are really funny there.
I saw that FP23 bannend you yesterday because you said something critical.
11.09.2006, 19:16  

Beitrag #19

Ballack 13s Avatar
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Zitat von Zidane
@Ballack 13:
They are really funny there.
I saw that FP23 bannend you yesterday because you said something critical.
that´s right. but if we warn somebody, they criticise us...FP23 is 17 years old but his behaviour is like the one from children (my english is not perfect).

i´m in the roster-team of GFO and the boards are a little bit their forum (official: F4F???). they shouldn´t ban their team members. our team head, falscherSchiri3, will speak with the GFO-Boss about this. FP23 can´t do something like that. it may not happen again.

he criticizes us but he is not better.

everybody there is so funny...i could laugh the whole day about them. fifacity and we are better.
11.09.2006, 19:21  

Beitrag #20

Anonymouss Avatar
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Anonymouss Avatar
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I read your posts in the thread and actually,FP23 is right to ban you.
Of course you can think what you like but you shoudn't say it in an official forum.
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